Monthly Archives: April 2013

Pinning the Challenge and general rambling


As usual at the end of every month is time for The Challenge, which is already pinned, and tomorrow we have another two big events also starting FaMESHed has it´s huge one year anniversary edition wich is gonna be huge and pretty awesome, and The Box has it´s second edition, and i´l already pining previews for both, more going later tonite when i get home.


And now my ramblings, there has been a talk lately about events, well there as always been a lot of talk about events, some people like them, some don´t, truth is they are here to stay at least for now, cause you never know tomorrow, and it makes me sad when i see events not safeguarding themselves, not doing the right thing, that can come from simply following their own basic rules or common sense.

I´ve seen events that banned bloggers and other creators or events organizers, because they either don´t like them, or jut because, and whenever i see this i look at it in this way, if you did that in rl you would be loosing your business pretty soon.

I also see events not doing their job, either by not making a proper selection of the stores in them about their content, or simply ignoring balant copyright and ip infringement, well let´s put it this way no one can know everything, but damn it´s brought to your attention for one reason, because it´s part of your job, to listen and do something about, your events reputation depends on it, the creators who are in it depend on it, cause in rl you don´t sell your stuff next to the counterfeit guys if you can help it.

And in rl people who take their jobss seriously do it professionally at least as best as possible, and they get credit for what they do, the notion i get is that they also suffer consequences for what they do wrong, while in SL this doesn´t happen, at least not publicly.

I´m reponsible for few things in the virtual world, mostly for my blog and my Pinterest, and there i have few rules, don´t pin stuff you don´t have settings to do, some programs will allow pinning from blogs/flickr accounts that have the share setting off, i don´t use them, i fight lag to make my pins, i pin everything from shops that are way of my personal style, to things i would never wear, because i like the event.

The few things i don´t pin are in case they are offensive, and here i follow usual common sense, as my own discretion, ip infringement items, or places situations or shops that had no issues when both those two reasons of mine where pointed out to them. Funny is i simply stopped pointing out to people, when i found content i wasn´t able able to pin due to my own two rules. But there are out there a few shops i don´t pin, mostly due to those two reasons, and the way they reacted to them.

And why do i have these rules you my ask? Because my main obligation with both my blog and Pinterest are to myself, like your shop your event is to a you in general, and my next obligation is to a community that is a huge part of my life, and that is SL, because when i pin a shop using clear ip infringement items along yours, it does you a disservice, and i owe creators the respect they deserve for the work they put into their items.

My question really is how much respect are organizers showing when they ban people for childish reasons? Or when they allow all kinds of materials near your shop? How much respect are their showing to their own event and name and what precedent is being set to the whole community? The same one that made Rendorosity creators show little respect for SL ones, is what i believe.

Anyways this is not related in anyway to any of the events above, like i said just a general rambling of stuff in my head for too long, I hope you all have a awesome day and see you all soon, with more pinning and events. See there is a reason i don´ramble much is hard for me to get all the words out in the right way.

Lazy Sunday and Bay City Fashion Week


Are two of the major events going on this Sunday while Lazy Sunday is your weekly sunday spree, Bay Fashion Week ends today and shows some of the best vintage geared shops, sadly i only got time to pin them today but there is still a whole day to do your shopping.

See you all soon with more updated pinning, now that i´m back for it and slowly reorganizing boards.



Busy Busy day


Seems today is one of those days when everything happens at the same time, i have pins for the 3 big events opening today, but they won´t be complete this evening due to a RL family birthaday and lots of cake (happy birthday my little brother), but here they are click the pictures for more info, SLurls, on the events.

The Garden


Cosmetics Fair


The Gallery Gift Shop


See you all soon and have a great start of the week everyone.

The Pin Critters


Note: I am no longer pinning for the Fantasy Faire Pinterest pinboards.

As you all know by now Fantasy Faire has it´s own Official Pinterest account and as you can read here on their blog I´m helping out, and tis is the huge surprise i had for you guys, and the reason you saw all these pinning critters on my flickr over the past week.

The Pin Fairy

Avatar: Mynerva – Peach Petite
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Amandine Petite Mesh Hair
Outfit: Evie’s Closet – Eden

Poses by Long Awkard Pose (no longer available)

As you all may know Pinterest as become a huge part of my SL life in the last few months, and when i started using it to cover events for my personal shopping sprees, people started joining in and it sort of took a life of it´s own, I do my best to keep on top of it all, and sorry if i´m sometimes a little late but trust me if there where more hours in the day i would gladly spend them pinning.

Sothis is how Fantasy Fair Pinning will work, there are several boards on their page: One for Official announcements, one for random previews of the creators work before the Faire opens, one for each sim that will in time have available all vendor pics for that sim participants, for easy browsing and location of SLurls.

The Pin Imp

Avatar: Fallen Gods – Dracos Iferno Petite
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Dragon Petite Mesh Hair
Outfit: Fallen Gods – Demon Outfit

Poses by Pose Monster

Like you all know every year a big and pretty amazing list of bloggers helps promote the event,  and their blog posts will also be featured, linking to their blogs and again not only showing the amazing items that will be available but also the imaginative combinations and ways in which they can be used in your daily SL.

Either if you´re a hardcore roleplayer or just fancy a bit of a more dramatic change.

The Pin Queen

Avatar: Fallen Gods – Royale Translucent Petite
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Brigitte Petite Mesh Hair
Outfit: Fallen Gods – Fleur de Lys Outfit
Tiara: lassitude & ennui – Dreamer tiara

Poses by Pose Plastique

Another board is the Faire fun where you will see not only the more humourous side of backstage pranks, but also parties, events and happenings, something that always made me smile about the Faire is te way those involved really enjoy it, and that just shows, not only on the backstage group but also on a daily basis tru the Faire´s duration.

The Pin Dryad

Avatar: Fallen Gods – Dryad petite

Poses by Del May

The Pin Mer

Avatar: Fallen Gods – Crystal Azure Petite
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Orion
Outfit: Skinthesis – Mertallic Petite outfit
Hair Clip: Panda Express – Sirens Hair Clip

Poses by HopScotch

The Pin Dragon

Avatar: Wilds of Organica – Tiny Dragon

Poses by HopScotch

So i leave you all with the magic creatures tat will be do the pinning of the Faire, it was fun revisiting some of my bought items from last year, and some of my favourite shops for fantasy wear, as well as dusting of my petites for some blogging, see you all soon and let Fantasy ride your thoughts for the next few weeks as we all enjoy what SL is about, Imagination.

The Sun, the bees and my failings


Today is the day we get another big event, since Bees Through the Seasons is already open, and i always found this event cute and special, well not many insects get their own event, and i doubt few could pull it, so of course i wanted to  something special for it, by the way you can find all my pins for the event here, for an easy shopping guide while you navigate thru the event, or for previous window browsing.

Whenever i think of bees i associate them like most people i would guess with sun and flowers, and that´s indeed what i felt like, like a flower when i saw these Baiastice gorgeous dresses for the event, and this i where my shortcomings come in, I´ve become a terrible blogger lately due to my technical issues with SL and my constant experimentation.

I had some pretty simple ideas on how to blog the dress and what i wanted to show, it´s amazingly well done texturing, and the cute and detailed bees around the raised waistline, but then i´ve ben absorbed lately in play with flowey poses, since i had a shopping spree at her store last weekend, and i also got a bunch of new nails, for my pretty slink hands, from Orc Inc., s instead of doing a proper blog post i ended up with a bunch of different experiments while i tried to show m hands and nails, and failed at it, but as you all practise make us better, and i´m quite fond of these pics, and i´m sure you are all gonna run off to check the event, and will be able to try a demo of this gorgeous dress, as well as all the pretty cute and sunny perfect items available there.

Shape: mine
Skin: Izzie’s – Asia Skin Ginger Edition 
Eyes: Ikon -Sunrise’ Eyes
Hair: D!va – Flora (COLLABOR88)
Dress: Baiastice – Dafne (Bees Through the Season)
Hands: by Slink updated to the new Slink Avatar Enhancement system with nails by
Makeup: Izzie’s – Glossy Lip Highlights 3D and Asia Eyeshadow brown Orc Inc. Glitter Set 1

Poses by Flowey 

I hope you all have a great weekend filled with sun and flowers, see you all tomorrow for our regular Lazy Sunday pinning.

Fifty Linden Friday Pinning and much more


So as usual today i bring you Fifty Linden Friday but there are also more events coming, and after a few days of sinus issues and headaches i will try to update it all for you guys today.


So keep on eye on these boards for event previews/updates:

Bees Through the Seasons

– The Dressing Room Fusion

– The Garden

– Cosmetics Fair

– Kawaii Fair

The Box (a new event on it´s first edition)

Also a big anouncement soon about pinning and Fantasy Faire.

Already Pinned events:

– Pose Fair 2013

– FaMESHed

– The Challenge

– The Mens Dept.

– Atelier Kreslo

– L’accessoires

– The Gallery Gift Shop

– Genre

– The Black Market

– Zodiac

And don´t forget all my regular updated Pinboards:

–  Spring Fever

–  Store Sales, One time Events, Hunts and Contests

– Group Gifts

See you all laters and i hope you all have  a great friday.

Dancing with myself


How often does it happen, you´re either at home, on the bus, in your car, basically anywhere, and suddenly, that tune comes on the radio, or the shuffle on your iphone makes it´s notes ring, and for no reason at all except that you have a beat and a melody you can´t just not dance.

Culprit– Edwardia Chair Zebra and Heirloom Rug (FaMESHed)
{what next} –   Fleeftone Retro Record Player
Pixel Mode – Ashworth Armoire – Black (FaMESHed)

You sometimes start just by slowly tapping your foot, growing faster and faster as the beat speeds up and suddenly you´re dancing, and the most fun part of it is, you´re dancing like no one is watching, because even if they where, you don´t care and you would never notice. For as long as that song lasts is just you and the beat, nothing else exists or matters.

I´m pretty sure we all had moments like these, i call it the dancing with myself, and it was my inspiration for this blog post when i tried out this pose set from flowey, and the basic idea for the whole setting, it´s also how most of my blog posts start, so often with a simple contagious beat that speeds ups and grows till it´s a full 5 minute song.

Shape: mine
Skin: Izzie’s – Asia Skin Ginger Edition 
Eyes: Izzie’s – Natural Mesh Eyes
Eyelashes: Maxi Gossamer – Eyelashes – Groomed
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Lily
Skirt: Cracked Mirror – Studded Skirt (FaMESHed)
Shirt: The Secret Store – Lua’s Cropped Shirt  (FaMESHed)
Hands and Feet: by Slink updated to the new Slink Avatar Enhancement system with appliers by Izzie’s

1st pose came with the chair all others are from Flowey – psycho dance

And a simple song, becomes a lot more when i start building up on that tiny inspiration, and concept, you can´t just dance in an empty space, you need a setting a context and meaning, and then the rest of the blog post grows, with me sitting down and picking pieces and little bits that sorta fit in together not only for me but for those reading.

So i bring you today a peaceful, but at the same time busy space , i love doing furniture posts even if they take time and patience and a lot of positioning, i guarantee you  have has much furniture, if not more off frame in this picture, mostly because there is so much amazing quality available n sl these days, it becomes hard to pick from it all.

But i did my picking and as you can see is mostly part and bits from a lost of what´s available at FaMESHed this month and yet i had also to leave a lot of the awesome out, but you can´t possibly blog all the things i keep saying to myself.

Culprit– Edwardia Chair Giraffe, You’ve been Framed set (FaMESHed), Girl on a Pedestal and Antique World
Pixel Mode –  Ashworth Dresser  (FaMESHed)
Trompe Loeil –  Nine cell photo arrangement – Mist and Columns and Balance Lamp (FaMESHed)

This isn´t probably the best way either to show of the ne Slink Avatar Enhancement, and i am sure you will find a lot more, better posts out there that show you all the options, and the different appliers, including all the nail options from 1001 different stores, but i always do things my way, and i wanted to show the appliers in action and inworld as i normally use them, in my regular casual style, and with movement, free from close ups , with plenty of shadow dancing and look for the first time no seams at all on my feet or hands.

I´m sold and in love with these, and thanks to Siddean Munro for making the appliers available to other creators and also to Izzie’s for putting out matches so fast and all in a super easy to use HUD, i now wait for all the other shops that wil also follow, and all the pretty nail options i´l have soon to play with.

Culprit– Edwardia Chest and Console Table (FaMESHed) Plate of Cakes and Hatboxes
Pixel Mode –   Ashworth- Candle, Me Time Tray and Laptop Prop and  Farms Trio Picture  (FaMESHed)
[Tia]  – Mona Lisa Clock Sidetable WhiteWood and Bookbase Bookshelf
vespertine– animalia paper prints, silent emories frames
floorplan. – guitar bookcase and books (The Mens Dept.)
.lame – Kyle’s Rug (Rugged)
MudHoney –  Ryan Candelabra

LISP Bazaar– Mesh – Easel – Press wood for tex change – Sign

Skybox: RageWorks – Studio7 (FaMESHed)

And for today that is it for my usual ramblings I promise to come back soon and hopefully do more furniture posts in the future mixed in with all the amazing projects i have going on for the next few months, see you all later for some pinning news.

At his head a grass-green turf, at his heels a stone.


Hello and i hope you all have a great monday, as you know i´ve been spending a lot of time with my Pinterest , and less doing my regular blogging but i´ve been having fun tho, and i think that sort of shows in my latest posts, and even if they are less frequent, the quality and dedication seems to be improving in my humble opinion.

Shape: mine
Skin: Mynerva  –  Milena
Eyes: Izzie’s – Natural Mesh Eyes
Eyelashes: Maxi Gossamer – Eyelashes – Groomed
Dress: The Muses – Nimue
Necklace: Maxi Gossamer – Sparkly Rocker
Flowers: BOOM – Nature’s Crown

Pose by Picture This! Poses – Ophelia

Well anyways i do like to think i am somehow improving, don´t we all? Isin´t that the reason we go out everyday and work harder, giving a little bit more of ourselves each single day?

But that is not what this blog post is about, not even i know very well what it is about to be honest, i just had these pics planned in ages, and never got around to do them, mostly due to time limitations, or lack of some components for it.

And over last week i was incredibly nostalgic about one event i will miss terribly this year: Crazy Hair Hunt, probably the only hunt i do from start to end, and that apparently won´t have an edition this year, but anyways, i managed to satisfy my need for quirky and different  hair with a trip to EMO-tions, and found this model that seemed perfect for this idea i´ve had for a few months, i already had the pose, which are sometimes for me the basic foundation of any picture, i already had the flowers and the dress, and could finally do my portrait of Ophelia, a young noblewoman driven into madness by the violence of the men around her, mumbling truths in her madness.

I didn´t want to portray her as a young virginal girl as often she´s seem, but has a rightful noblewoman strong and faithful until her world came tumbling down around her, and a lot more relatable to modern women who juggle so much on their daily live.

So here she is a reminder that things can end, and lives can change and tragedy could hit us all at any given time, leaving us weak and ready to give up.

And again those who know me know this is a far from a melancholia filled post, but again my usually practical side that says don´t take things for granted, and learn from stories, isin´t that what cautionary tales are there for?

Well see you all laters with more news and i hope everyone has a  good start of the week.